At various times in your life you may encounter grief, loss, trauma, relationship issues, circumstances that bring about fear, confusion and helplessness. Turning to friends and family for support is a common response and often successful. However in some circumstances this doesn’t work or is not useful. You may find yourself unable to resolve these things and they interfere with the normal functioning of your life, resulting in ongoing distress.
You’re not crazy – you just need support from someone who is interested and believes in your ability to work it through.
Counselling is a secure relationship and safe space that allows for speaking the unspoken. The counsellor creates clear boundaries so you can say and feel whatever you need to in order to find a deeper understanding of yourself and the situation.
Professional Counselling is a collaboration between an individual, couple or group and a counselling practitioner.
The counsellor is an agent of change and the client an active participant.
Change, which may be opening to new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, is enabled through the development of this safe and secure relationship.